time spent billing

How much time do you spend on billing?

Our team has been working for over a year to ensure that our new billing product meets every one of your member billing needs.

Over the course of our investigation, we came across some interesting—and frightening—estimates regarding how much time you or your team likely spend on your billing every month. We thought you might like a peek, so here they are!

Customer Calls 3-4 hours
Editing Invoices 3-4 hours
Editing Member Types 2 hours
System Audit Reports 1 hr/week
Late Fee Calculation 2-4 hours
Total: 11-15 hours


Customer Calls: 3-4 hours

For many of our courses, the first week of the month is bogged down with what seems like an endless amount of customers calling in. Employees answer questions due to confusion or lack of clarity on invoice or applying a payment over the phone.

Editing Invoices: 3-4 Hours

While editing invoices in and of itself is not difficult, employees are often confused about how to do it correctly. This causes huge accounting errors at the end of the month book closing, and can cause countless hours correcting each minor mistake.

Editing Member Types & Amounts Due: 2 Hours

Sometimes a course’s dues go up in price, and the only way that increase is reflected in the invoices is by editing the each customer’s template, one by one. Golf course billing should never be that complicated.


Manually Creating System Audit Reports:  1 Hour

Member billing at many courses means pulling together multiple reports and putting them together manually in Excel. This causes a huge amount of menial labor for employees whose efforts would be better spent elsewhere.

Manually Applying Late Fees: 2-4 Hours

Manually adding late fees requires employees to run reports, go into each account, and charge each member a percent of total owed.

Snail Mailing Invoices: 1/2 Hour

Finding the invoices that need to be mailed the traditional method can take up to 30 minutes.


A SolutionAdobeStock_208038647
Have you seen our Billing Premier solution yet? In this new billing system, all of these processes are automated. Invoices are extremely easy to edit, and you have the option to edit all invoices at once. System reports and late fees are generated automatically, and the system can send the bills through email. All this means far fewer confused customers, lower staff frustration, and one simple member billing system for your course or club.

Interested in doing more for your business?

In addition to foreUP’s regular software updates, we have developed an App Store where you can get access to integrations with other top golf technology companies like 18Birdies, Golf Datatech, and Players 1st. If you’re interested in seeing how an integration could help your business, visit the foreUP App Store (link is at the bottom of the left drop-down menu in the software) or read this article.