Golf CRM
Customer Relationship Management System for Golf
Effortlessly access, manipulate, and act on your customers' information.
Golf CRM
Collecting emails and phone numbers is paramount in creating communication channels with customers. The foreUP Customer Management System (Golf CRM) allows for customer data collection through various channels for marketing purposes. By creating these communication channels with customers, golf courses now have marketing power to drive a profitable business.
Our powerful software helps you retain and keep track of all customers at the course, maximize revenues and increase sales, have constant contact with your customers through our marketing tools, and is fully integrated into the tee sheet software.
Data Collection: Build a powerful customer database. All customer information (emails, phone numbers, etc.) can be collected and stored within the foreUP Golf CRM.
Customer History: Provides a detailed history of all transactions made by each individual customer at the course.
Managing Groups: Customers can be placed and organized into groups; such as Men’s League, Ladies League, etc. Use this feature for targeted marketing.
Account Ledger: Pro shop and golf course credit can be tracked for each individual customer.
Easy Search: Search and find customers within seconds.
Email and Text Marketing: All collected information can be used through our integrated email and text marketing features. Watch revenues sky rocket through repeat business.
Fully-Integrated into Tee Time Software: All customers in the database are streamlined between the tee time software and CRM.
Hot to strengthen customer relationships
Target Marketing: Segment customers into specific groups for target marketing.
Build Communication Channels: Collect and keep track of all your customers information for repeat business.