Welcome to our new series, Does foreUP do it?
Each small blog in this series will tackle another question we’ve received about whether or not foreUP software has a specific function or feature. Sometimes the answer is a simple “yes” or “no”, and other times the answer includes how we do that thing, or why we do not.
Today’s question is about functionality in the point of sale module, which includes the Customers database.
Question: Does foreUP support parent-child relationships in the billing platform?
Answer: Yes
The foreUP Member Billing platform does indeed utilize relationships to help your staff (and your customers) stay organized and avoid confusion. We call this feature “Households”.
Households live in a customer’s profile. From there, a course can add an unlimited number of other family members under this main parent account.
What is a Household?
A Household, in foreUP, is any individual who can make purchases or changes to an account that is responsible for said purchases.
Generally, Households consist of parents and their children. However, the Households feature can also be used for corporate memberships. This allows data to be easily connected and organized when all charges go onto one bill.
How Does It Work?
The Household parent account will receive a monthly statement that reflects the charges of all Household dependents.
For example, the parent of a Household will be able to see what items the dependent charged to the account, on what days. These things will show up on the parent account’s statement, providing the Household owner with the transparency they need to ensure that their monthly statements totals are correct.
Family billing, simplified.
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