Ever wish you could customize the date on which your customers receive their bill? Today’s gift makes that a snap.
Day eight is here! We’re excited to add another tool for customization today because we know how valuable it is to have the ability to tailor your tools to your business needs.
Before we get into it, do you need to catch up on days 1-7? Do it here:
Day One: Lockdown of Inventory Category Creation
Day Two: Required Fields for Passes
Day Three: Gift Card Updates
Day Four: Minimum Status Statement Display
Day Five: F&B Bulk Discounting
Day Six: Tee Sheet Highlighting
Day Seven: Quick Terminal Switch
We’ve learned that no customer is exactly alike, and the way they run their business varies a lot, too. In an effort to empower your business to operate your own way, we have built in an “Anniversary Billing” setting for today’s gift.
Anniversary Billing will allow you to have billing start on the day of the guest’s signup, rather than the date you consistently bill your database.
This usually will involve setting up your billing to be on a regular interval that begins at the date of sign-up, vs forcing the payment at the beginning of the period with everyone else’s.
This will be a nice option for your guests or members, and hopefully alleviate some frustration for you and your staff.
Stay tuned for tomorrow’s announcement, with day nine of 12 Days of Holiday Gifts from foreUP