day 10 verifying residency

Day 10: Verifying Residency for Guests or Members

Ever wanted to offer a special discount for residents of your county? It’s a great way of incentivizing your community to visit your business. But verifying residency isn’t a simple task, and it’s nearly impossible when trying to sell online.

This is why we have made it possible for you to verify residency using technology. Now, your guests can easily verify their identification and residency online with their personal documents.

Give those loyal residents in your county some love, without being taken advantage of. resident Log in Creation

Need to catch up on days 1-9? Take a look!

Day One: Lockdown of Inventory Category Creation

Day Two: Required Fields for Passes

Day Three: Gift Card Updates

Day Four: Minimum Status Statement Display

Day Five: F&B Bulk Discounting

Day Six: Tee Sheet Highlighting

Day Seven: Quick Terminal Switch

Day Eight: Anniversary Billing

Day Nine: Historic Gift Card Reports