Today here at foreUP we are pleased to announce our newest release! A redesigned customers module, and we think, it’s a pretty big deal. We have spent a ton of time and energy getting to know just what you our customers are wanting, how you are using it, and how we can make things better for you. This is just the first of many new major product updates coming in 2017, for you to look forward to! Here is a quick rundown of the new hotness that we are checking with a fine-toothed comb making sure it is the absolute best for you.
Take your business anywhere with a fully-optimized mobile ready design!
We live in a modern mobile world, having the option to manage some of the day-to-days of your business on your mobile phone and tablet is just what we wanted to have available. Now if someone approaches you out on the green and wants to know about their account status, their invoices, or their balances. Now you can easily search for that customer and get that data on the fly.
Brand New Filtering and Advanced Search
Easily filter your customers by many different criteria. If you want to know which customers have been to your course in the last three months? Easy. If you want to see all of your customers named Jim, that have birthdays in the next 6 months? Done. Do you want to see all the customers that are carrying a balance and a balance over $100? Check! All from the customers module, no need to jump from customers, to reports and back again. do it all in one place.
New Cohesive UI Throughout.
This is the first step in our process of updating all of our current screens to all have the same flow, and experience. The slide-over information pane will now be used extensively through the software. As we build out these features we will be releasing them one by one. We are excited for you to use them.
Customize Table Views
With the new design you also get the option to customize which table view are shown by opening the page settings, you can now choose which table columns appear in the UI and customize the view for your needs. If you want to see only the option to see customer names, phone numbers, and email addresses, then customize the table columns to that view. We think it’s pretty great.
Read all about the features and changes in the support articles (secured link)
This is only the beginning.
We here are foreUP are constantly working on making things better for you. We have a large feature list that we are working through. This is the first major release of 2017, and we hope that you are as excited as we are about the new features coming. We are working hard on making the software updated and working well for your business. We are working hard to empower your business, to operate more effectively, and to help you increase your profitability.
We are working on all new features and if you would like to be a member of our Beta Club customers, please fill out the form. You can expect an email from our product design team here, we will reach out to you whenever we are working on new features, you can tell us how we can improve these features and make things better for you and your business. Plus, you get sneak peaks of the software before anyone else!