Marketing Services

Professional managed marketing for a fraction of the cost.

What if you could have a pro marketer on your team for a fraction of the price? foreUP Marketing Services makes that a reality with experienced professionals managing your marketing to bring in more golfers and more revenue.

Experienced golf marketing professionals make your life easy.

The benefits of using foreUP Email & Text Marketing


The Industry’s Best

The foreUP Marketing Services team knows golf marketing in and out.

  • 30+ years of combined golf marketing experience
  • A team of dedicated marketing professionals that work on your course
  • Strategic meetings available on request

Focus on What Matters

Hand the reins over to a marketing professional and refocus on what you do best

  • Avoid team members “double-dipping” on two different jobs
  • Get the power of an in-house marketing team
  • See how smart automation handles the little things

Flexibility and Affordability

A dedicated marketing specialist that knows your business for a fraction of the cost.

  • Utilize your course’s unique customer database
  • Learn what campaigns work and don’t work for your golfers
  • Customize emails, websites, and flyers to perfectly represent your business

Boost your revenue exponentially.

foreUP Marketing Services clients consistently see revenue growth of 15% or more compared to before working with fMS.

Utilize your database.

Using your course’s unique customer data, create intelligent, criteria-based campaigns that target players with specific purchasing habits, play frequency, and more.

Know your unique audience.

Make marketing decisions based on your course’s demographic including age, gender, interests, and more.

Reach new golfers through intentional marketing.

With marketing professionals guiding your outreach and campaigns, reach new customers who may not have heard of your course.

Maximize special events.

Get beautiful marketing materials that show just how great your course would be as a venue for weddings, parties, concerts, and more.

Market with paid advertising.

Put your business at the forefront of potential customers’ minds with professional paid advertising on Google, Facebook, and more.

fMS is doing a great job of keeping Triggs at the forefront against the competitors.

Karl Augenstein @ Triggs Memorial Golf Course