foreUP June e-Newsletter – Summer Success

The busy season is here, and it’s full of opportunities for your course to flourish under the summer sun. Our featured CampaignPilot client Chaska Town Course ran a successful flash sale recently that pulled in $108k worth of registrations in under an hour. Learn more about CampaignPilot and similar possibilities for your course below!

Read on for ways to increase ROI, strategies to optimize your marketing and advertising, and how full-platform integrated tournament management keeps golfers on your grounds.

CampaignPilot Success Story

Chaska Town Course ran a Flash Sale Thursday, June 8th using CampaignPilot. They were selling 36-hole vouchers for a single day event later this September. In a single day they sold $108,000 worth of registrations for the event, in just under an hour! $81K came from direct email and $23K came from an automatic pop-up on their website. It didn’t quite make the top-ten campaigns with CampaignPilot, but not bad for a single-day campaign!

Learn more about Campaign Pilot:

5 Strategies for Maximizing the ROI of your Golf Course Website

1. Calls to Action

Take a good look at your business and identify the 2-3 most important revenues sources for your facility. These three items should be prominently displayed above the fold of your website at all times. I shouldn’t have to search for the Tee Time button, find information about weddings/events or to inquire about membership.

2. Funnel Path

The idea is to get your visitors to quickly arrive at the location on your site to take action (fill out a form, book a tee time). You should also strategically design the journey (funnel path) so you can see how they arrived. Where did they come from? Did they search for you on Google? Did they find you via another referral source? Did they see you on a social media channel?

3. Tracking

Number 2 was a good Segway into number 3. You must be able to track the acquisition or loss of the visitor to properly modify your strategies. If visitors keep dropping off the site on a certain page, then there is obviously something wrong and adjustments to the content must be made. How much time are visitors spending on the website? How many pages are they viewing? How did they get to my tee time or membership page?

4. Follow-Up

Creating calls to action and carefully designing and modifying your website to create conversions (tee times, contact form submissions) will help grow your database. Using email marketing tools with triggers and auto-responders ensures that new customers are added to your database and automatically included in targeted follow up campaigns. The follow up happens automatically.

5. Face-to-Face Growth Programs

Owning your own email database of customers who visited your facility is a priceless marketing tool. These are customers who already know you and a majority will want to receive promotions and news from your facility. Growing this database is essential and facilities should have a strategy in place for capturing customer data where interactions take place face-to-face (e.g. pro shop, restaurant, starter). Facilities can offer a discount on the next visit, a fountain drink, or a bucket of balls in exchange for joining the email club. Be sure to send the voucher via email so you can validate the address.

1-2-1- Marketing Powered by foreUP provides all the tools you need to meet these 5 crucial website marketing practices for realizing an ROI. We can help you execute, measure, and adjust. Contact Us today to learn more about our world-class websites, AD Services and Managed Marketing Services.

Meet foreUP Next Generation Tournament Management

Tournament management troubles should be a thing of the past.

With foreUP Next Gen Tournament Management, your course can sing a new song – one that features straightforward schedules, breezy award and point payouts, simple event views, and more.

Meet the sister company integration that brings tournaments fully into the foreUP fold, with automatic CRM integration and tee sheet blocks to make tournament management a breeze.

Fully integrated tournament management, powered by BlueGolf

  • CRM harmony – customer profiles are automatically created for tournaments or pulled from foreUP’s existing entries – so you’ll never have to worry about duplicating customers or repeating processes that should be automatic.
  • A tuneful tee sheet – automatic blocks for easy tournament management eliminate double booking confusion and make managing tournaments from the tee sheet a breeze.
  • The winning melody – Send winnings to foreUP golfer profiles with the click of a button; gone are the hours of wasted time spent manually awarding winnings to individual golfers one by one.

With the right solutions all playing perfectly together, your course’s all-in-one management can be music to your ears.

See foreUP Tournament Management in action!

If you’ve ever written a product review online, you’re a special kind of person. This blog post is dedicated to you.

Click here to check out the foreUP Review Hall of Fame! 🏅

Online Booking Updates:

  • foreUP is in the process of rolling out a completely new online booking experience which features updated designs and several new features! This will be available to clients using foreUP Payments, Worldpay or TriPOS as their merchant processor.
    • Updated Online Tee Sheet designs. Add a “tee sheet logo” to add a splash of branding to online tee times.
    • New check out flow which allows golfers to pay with a saved credit card, gift card, or raincheck! Split payments are supported, so golfers can pay for a $100.00 tee time with a $25.00 gift card and put the remaining $75.00 due on their credit card.
    • Reservation Details Page is coming soon to our new online booking experience! This enhancement will provide updated designs to match the rest of the new booking experience, in addition to being the foundation for exciting new features to be released later this year.


Tee Sheet Updates 

  • Made drastic changes to the database to increase UPtime and improve speed on tee sheet
    • Fixed big bugs that our customers were facing at the beginning of the season.


What’s UP with you?

The foreUP Education team wants to know how to best support YOU – make your voice heard HERE!


foreUP Live! Training

We’re here to assist you in getting the most out of your foreUP course management software. Whether you’re new to foreUP or just need a refresher, we’ll be on the other side of the screen to provide expert software guidance.

foreUP’s Live! Training sessions were designed to help you level UP your marketing, ace your tee sheet, and turn bite-size food and beverage into big successes. Bring your questions – foreUP Implementation Specialists will be leading these trainings live to help you utilize foreUP to the fullest.


foreUP Live! Enhancement Review | On With Education and Product

July 19th at 4pm ET

Don’t miss out on foreUP’s Live! Enhancement Review session!

Join our Education and Product teams to learn more about all the great product enhancements and releases that have been pushed out to you in the past months as well as what’s on the horizon here at foreUP.


We will explore and explain recent feature releases including:

  • Text Marketing updates
  • The new Customer Checkout Experience
  • foreUP Payments improvements


As well as peek into the future of foreUP through the lens of:

  • Aggregate booking options for multi-course operations
  • The world of Business Intelligence
  • And more!

Register now!



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