Ask any avid golfer what’s their biggest frustration and the answer will be the same: putting the clubs away and having to wait out winter. Having the ability to provide your members with the opportunity to play even during the off-season or during foul weather is a worthwhile investment for your golf course.
foreUP is the fastest and most intuitive Golf Simulator Business Software in the industry, which can be setup within minutes and your employees can learn to use it immediately.
Our indoor golf management software is the fastest and most intuitive reservation system within the golf and simulator industry, powered by the cloud technology and drag and drop system which makes it easy to schedule indoor tee times.
On top of that it allows you to optimize the amount of reservations being made at your simulators as well as collect and manage customer data so you can stay in touch with your members and send them special invitations and offers which help drive revenue.
Since our software is cloud based, your customers can book online 24/7. This means you don’t have to worry about lost booking opportunities during your off-hours, instead you can walk into your golf course facility in the morning and immediately see how many extra bookings have been made overnight. In the long run, this feature allows you to decrease the amount of time spent on phone reservations while at the same time increase revenue.
All online reservations are streamlined into your Golf Simulator Reservation sheet and foreUP Golf Simulator POS is completely integrated making the system completely seamless.
Not only can you run simulator, inventory, and food sales, but all purchased inventory is tracked and recorded in the system for inventory control. Additional features include seamless connection to merchant processors, receipt printers, cash drawers, and barcode scanners, which makes it quick, reliable and gives you complete control.
When you need a detailed overview of your indoor golf simulator, you can stay on top of things thanks to intuitive reports that provide all needed information for all areas of operations at your golf course facility.
In short, you can get an overview of all sales transactions through the golf simulator point of sale, run reports with all the important accounting information, as well as view your best selling merchandise and merchandise with the best margins.
Thanks to this technology and the features of our indoor golf simulator management software, you can significantly reduce the amount of no shows and late arrivals, increase simulator efficiency, and your revenue.
Are you ready to see a change in your business? You can request a free demo of our foreUP software today!
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