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In The Press: foreUP Announces Partnership with Players 1st

Lindon, Utah- foreUP, the industry leader in total golf course management solutions, has announced its partnership with Players 1st, golf’s premier customer insight technology.
The integration allows course operators to access Players 1st’s powerful tools directly from the foreUP software.

PLAYERS_1st_App-Store_Logo_B (1)Once the user has opened the Players 1st app, they can view many essential insights into their course and their customers. Players 1st sends automated surveys to golfers once they have completed a round, asking them about their experience on the course. Those results are then compiled in a single-view dashboard in the Players 1st software, allowing course operators to make actionable plans on how to improve their course and bring more revenue into their operation.
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Players 1st is used by hundreds of premier clubs and multi-course operators around the world, and foreUP courses will now have the option to join that rapidly-growing group. The integration can also pull information directly from the foreUP software, making it even simpler to view the important data for your course.

Players 1st has a two-fold effect: first on the player, then on the course. Through the surveys, players get a chance to directly influence the course and the future of the game. This in turn spurs their continued loyalty when they see the changes being made at their suggestion. The club receives specific insights based on demographics such as gender, age, HCP and seniority at the club, as well as benchmark comparisons. This lets clubs increase retention of new golfers and focus on high-handicap groups, who are more likely to leave the club.

“This integration, which is already live at dozens of our courses, has helped foreUP customers immensely. Its intuitive design and action-ready data, coupled with the simplicity of the single login, has helped and will continue to help courses and clubs to make customers happy and thus play more golf,” says Kyle Spencer, Director of Business Relations at foreUP.

Over 800 courses worldwide run on foreUP’s all-in-one platform, which—in addition to tee sheet and point of sale software—hosts a complete suite of cloud-based tools, including inventory management, billing, online booking, text, email and web marketing, reporting, and more. A constantly-expanding app store allows foreUP customers to authorize integrations with a host of relevant apps, offering everything from social media solutions to payment processing.

“Our experience integrating with foreUP has been wonderful, and very successful,” says Peter Smith, Director of Partnerships for Players 1st. “We are very impressed by the foreUP software and pleased that they have chosen to integrate with us. They are one of the industry leaders, and foreUP courses will meet continued success with such a great software.”

Learn more about the Players 1st integration with foreUP software by visiting

About foreUP
foreUP offers a simple solution to a golf course managers most complex problems. From tee sheets and point of sale to F&B and inventory, foreUP’s wide array of cloud-based SaaS tools are the easy solution to the time-consuming and frustrating manual processes or one-off softwares commonly in use at golf courses. Integrated partnerships with other industry leaders means that you always have the solution you need. Learn more at

About Players 1st
Players 1st is a software that enables golf clubs to retain and recruit golfers and increase the club’s revenue by focusing on customer experience and loyalty. Insights are generated through surveys that are sent out to members and guests automatically and intelligently. The results are displayed in a real-time dashboard, enabling the golf club to explore the feedback from members and guests on a daily basis. Learn more at