Originally published on The Golf Wire on March 26, 2019.
Lindon, Utah—Earlier this month, foreUP released an Ebook entitled “Instagram’s Role in Golf Course Marketing: How and Why You Must Use It.” This is available as a free download through their website.
foreUP, the industry’s leading tee sheet and point of sale software provider, is committed to helping their customers in all aspects of running their business, from tee time booking to social media marketing.
Although social media marketing, and especially Instagram marketing, is such a vital part of running a golf course or club, many foreUP customers feel overwhelmed as they try their hand at running an Instagram account
This Ebook teaches readers how to create a post that will get high engagement, how to gain followers, and how to make the most of hashtags and holiday trends, among other things.
“My team of marketing experts have put a lot of time and effort into this Ebook, and I’m extremely proud of what they’ve made,” says Amy LaVange, Director of Marketing at foreUP. “This book is perfect for any golf course wanting to step up their marketing efforts—I even learned a few helpful tips for my own account!”
Those interested in reading the Ebook can download it at this website.