Day seven of gifts from foreUP comes with another time-saving feature: the terminal switch.
Before we explain, do you need to catch up on days 1-6? Do it here:
Day One: Lockdown of Inventory Category Creation
Day Two: Required Fields for Passes
Day Three: Gift Card Updates
Day Four: Minimum Status Statement Display
Day Five: F&B Bulk Discounting
Day Six: Tee Sheet Highlighting
Today we added the ability for you to swiftly switch terminals from the dropdown menu on the top right of the screen.
Previously, you would have to select “Alt + T” in order to switch the terminal you are operating in, but we realized that this was difficult for many users to find. This new functionality will make it much easier in situations where you need to change the terminals without memorizing a keyboard shortcut.
Enjoy this new time-saving trick! And stay tuned for tomorrow’s post that will announce day eight of our 12 Days of Holiday Gifts from foreUP!